Motivating Your Transformation: “All great achievements require time.”

Here I am, checking in with a quote on Tuesday. And didn’t I say these quotes were for Mondays? Yeahhhh, about that.

Guilty. I may have mom-brain, but I do know it’s not Monday anymore. The truth is, I was just super busy being a mama yesterday and took a rest day (minus a few sets of jumping lunges and squats). And this morning after I woke up after a not so restful night, I needed that motivation to get back on track, so here’s your opportunity to feel motivated and mix things up too, on a Tuesday! I’d feel badly about this, but motivation doesn’t just have to happen on a Monday anyways.



In reality, I think this quote is super fitting for my post today anyways. Today, on “#transformationtuesday” (thanks Instagram), I’ve been thinking about my post last week about weighing myself.  When I penned that post I took my monthly progress photo and when comparing that photo with some from the last few months, I was stunned by the changes I’ve made since Josie was first born. It hit me how drastic the little changes we make in our day to day can be when looking at the overall “achievements” we’re trying to make. And the hard truth is that those greater achievements take time. Period.

Thankfully I’ve been so busy as a mom so I haven’t really had time to focus on how fast or slow things have been happening to my body. And honestly, if I hadn’t taken those photos, I think I would forget where I was at month one. Yet, while some days I still feel like that mom who just had a baby a month ago (maybe mostly because I’m still sleep deprived haha), I can’t deny the changes I’ve been conjuring as I make a commitment to my health and fitness day in and day out. It’s not easy, but it has certainly been worth it.

So, as you make your own commitments to your own goals, remember it takes time to make the progress you’re striving for. Settle in for the long haul. Consider how you’ll measure your progress in the short and long term and keep chipping away, doing the best you can. In the end, we can all be surprised–and proud–of our achievements.